Endocrinology Test

1. The typical sequence of hormonal loss in hypopituitarism is:
2. In Europe, first-line treatment option in Graves’ disease is:
3. The GH systemic effect is mediated by:
4. In secondary adrenal insufficiency:
5. The differential diagnostic of hypocalcaemia is made with:
6. The treatment of chronic parathyroid insufficiency consists of:
7. Adverse effects of the contraceptives are:
8. Estrogen presents the following effects:
9. The parathyroid hormone acts in order to:
10. The clinical suggestive features for thyroid malignancy are:
11. Sporadic hyperparathyroidism :
12. Characteristics of asymptomatic hyperparathyroidism are:
13. In Graves disease the indications for radioactive iodine treatment are:
14. Bone quality is dependent of:
15. Which statements regarding endocrine hypertension are true:
16. The diagnostic of multinodular toxic goiter is suggested by:
17. The following are true regarding primary adrenal insufficiency:
18. In cortisol –secreting adrenal adenoma:
19. The adrenal dependent secondary hypertensions are:
20. The etiology of pituitary insufficiency includes:
21. Subclinical hyperparathyroidism has to be considered in the following situations:
22. In thyroid nodules total thyroidectomy is performed in:
23. In hypothyroid pregnant women the following are true:
24. Antiresorptive agents used as osteoporosis treatment are represented by:
25. Triggers for hypertensive crises in pheocromocytoma are: